The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3051954
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Dec-10 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Can't wait to see pix, SRS, of that garden!

Today has been a wash. I couldn't sleep last night, then, after finally falling asleep about 330a, the neighbours woke me about 4a with loud, deep bass booming music and a trying-to-be-quiet argument in their driveway. I was so distraught by the boom-boom, I went out to the LR, opened the front door and yelled to please turn it down. No one could hear me, of course, but I felt better. Then, when I went back to bed, is when they started to argue. That was it, I reached up and rapped on the window and lo and behold, they stopped. Not another peep out of them. Not being able to get back to sleep, I was up at 630a, then went back to bed at 730a and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep until the phone woke me at 903a sharp. "Hi, Mama, can I come over now? You said we'd decorate the tree and I could call you at nine o'clock." Aarrghhh...usually I can wake up fast and go, no problem. Told the puir kid he'd have to wait for us to get up and moving.

Well, he came over about 10a, showed us what a good shot he is with Roger's bow and his own plastic non-pointed arrow - crack shot! and then played around with Rog and by himself as I went back to bed! I got up about 1130a and sent him home about 1230p. He and Rog did find the decorations bin and brought it in. Morgan put the star on the top of the tree and there it sits. No decorating for me, no nothing, today. Ugh...I hate nights like last night. I don't feel up to doing anything the next day and I had high hopes for today!