The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134128   Message #3052275
Posted By: GUEST,FloraG
13-Dec-10 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: English tunes session - good news
Subject: RE: English tunes session - good news
To Rob
Well done for putting on youngsters. I hope that they bring with them a group of friends to lower the average age.

There were some youngsters as paid acts at Broadstairs this year who seemed to think that playing clever was a substitute for playing entertainingly. There seeem to be a group of them that think they deserve the fees, before they have really learned the craft of entertaining. Most of the current band of paid ( somewhat older) folk artists learned their craft in the pubs and clubs, had the courtesey to audience as much as play, and join in sessions at festivals.

However,there was an ace group of young rapper dancers at Broadstairs, so perhaps its not all gloom and doom.