The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5305   Message #30525
Posted By: Art Thieme
10-Jun-98 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: What's playing now?
Subject: RE: What's playing now?
Joe, Wish I could tell ya when it might be out! Andrew Calhoun (Waterbug Records)wants it to be out by the Fox River Valley Festival (Labor Day) but I kind o' doubt that. Got much to do and need to go to Mayo Cl. for a few weeks first--then maybe a voiceover for a docu-thing on Civil War reinactors---so stuff's on hold.

Rockaday Johnny--Thanks--that live LP on Kicking Mule used to be a compact disk--then I fed it a Viagra and an hour later--lo & behold--12 inches! "Tell your ma--tell your pa--our love's gonna grow--doo waa, doo waa!!"
