The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134243   Message #3052689
Posted By: gnu
13-Dec-10 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birds & weather. The crows are massing.
Subject: RE: BS: Birds & weather. The crows are massing.
I was just out for a walk in the balmy weather and saw a half dozen crows fighting the gustywinds so I am hopeful the migration is yet to come. Odd that they would mass up here that way they did if they weren't going south.

BTW, for those who have not read my posts about the spring migration I saw... it's like they come here to say hello (goodbye in fall) to a pair that stay here all winter. The female is lame and doesn't fly well and I assume the male stays with her over the winter because they are a mated pair or at least the way I "like" to think of it. I feed them through the winter and I have excellent pics and videos of them. I like this pic.