The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134241   Message #3052708
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Dec-10 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
Ordinary people who fought for decent civil rights for the common folk have always been labelled in such a negative fashion. They have been called "anarchists", "criminals", "subversives", "revolutionaries", and other such hysterical labels for centuries by the ruling social elite for attempting to gain such things as...

- women's right to vote
- poor people's right to vote
- landless people's right to vote
- the right to form unions
- an end to child labour
- pensions for the elderly
- a 40 hour work week
- unemployment insurance
- medicare
- a representative government, instead of rule by absolute monarchies and dictators
- trial by a jury of one's peers instead of condemnation, torture, and execution by religious kangaroo courts and nobles and robber barons

It's always a tiny group of about 1% of the population that rules society from the top, has most of the money, and makes the laws...and that hasn't changed. In fact, it's gotten much worse in the last 30 years since the end of the 70s. The rich have been getting a lot richer while the rest get poorer.

So if standing up and resisting the accursed Oligarchs who are at the top of the present feeding chain in society be again called "revolution" by the puppet controlled media of those be it! They deserve to face a damned revolution, and let it come soon.

My comments are not directed personally at Charles and Camilla, by the way. I hold no personal rancour against them. My comments are directed at the bankers and corporate CEOs who run this society and determine its political and social agenda. Charles and Camilla just happened to land in the middle of it all by virtue of being born in the families they were born in, and that isn't their fault.