The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134229   Message #3053329
Posted By: Donuel
14-Dec-10 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
Warren Peace is a damn good name but it does seem contrived.
Some product names are famous for being awkward like Smuckers or Fuddrucker.

Some names might inspire sympathy like Charile Brown. The suggestion of class or wealth rules out Don F Kennedy despite its honorable democratic history.
Then there are seasonal favorites. Rudolf Rupert Rumpledickskin. King Midas, Jack Frost, Ebbie Scrooge. Names that imply criminality like Mr. Madoff did surprisingly well. He may as well been named Rob Fortune.
Max Prophet or Saul E Gold might do well on Wall St. Hey that would make quite a investment firm, Gold Fortune & Prophet .

I have found that most people here seem to have names that can be found in the bible. The Car Guys on npr are a valuable source of clever names.