The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134224   Message #3053803
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
15-Dec-10 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: Paul McCartney
Subject: RE: Paul McCartney
If I was misguided or misinformed about anything in my post, apologies.

Unfortunately I was too young to get to see any of the Beatles and because my mother was strict couldn't even attempt to go anywhere to see them so I missed out on that regretfully. Most of the music I have since bought in later years, back then there was always going to be someone who had a copy of Revolver, Rubber Soul, Sargent Pepper, Abbey Road or Let It Be and Beatle hits were always in the charts so there was no need, I thought to go out and buy. The same with the Rolling Stones for me being constantly on the radio I didn't get the urge to buy their music and again someone somewhere would have a copy of Sticky Fingers or something else of theirs.

On Christmas Day I will have my Beatle CD's at the ready and enjoy, Merry Christmas!!