The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134283   Message #3053874
15-Dec-10 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Windows 7 woes - AVG (2011) clash?
Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 7 woes - AVG (2011) clash?
I think i must be the lucky one have used avg free for years on win98 xp and now on 7 never had any problem whatsoever
Trouble is as with all protection programes is if it finds a programme that does not fit in with a given criteria it puts out a warning . If you double click the icon in the tray it will display the avg window click tools then advance settings and select ignore faulty conditions put a tick in the box and click apply and ok this should stop the warning windowtry computor for a few days if it still crashes i would be thinking there is a fault with the computor take back to where you purchased it for a test