The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25821   Message #305646
Posted By: Peter T.
26-Sep-00 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: Here's a tough one, 'Catters!
Subject: Here's a tough one, 'Catters!
Here's a song problem, which requires some lateral thinking and memories of late 50s-early 60s pop songs. El Rick and I were working on a bass run embellishment (for Blue Bayou) and ran across the pattern than provides the back up for The Fleetwoods' (if that is right) song "Come Softly" (main voice: "come softly, daaaaarrrrlinnngg....). In the sort of background, the rest are singing the familiar:

Dum, dum, da, de, da, da, da, dada, slide into
DUM, dum, dum, da, de, da, da, da, da, da,
and so on, into infinity.

The question is: What is the other song which has almost the identical Dum, Dum, vocal pattern, only a shade different? Has been driving me crazy for three days.

yours, Peter T.