The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5305   Message #30569
Posted By: Art Thieme
11-Jun-98 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: What's playing now?
Subject: RE: What's playing now?
You've a fine team in Utah---We're just as scared here in Illinois that the games might shift back to Salt Lake. So the Bulls MUST win it tomorrow night or I'll be on the road & can't watch 'em when Michael & Scotty & Dennis win it all out there!

And any state that's named after Utah Phillips can't be all bad! (Do you folks go out on the salt flats & build "salt castles"?) 30 Years ago I saw a mirrage on the Flats---an ENTIRE MOUNTAIN I was watching just up an' DISAPEARED!Truly amazing. Also, I heard that Brigham stayed there 'cause he was sure corn'd grow on salt!!
