The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134321   Message #3056954
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
19-Dec-10 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: Why do folk music radio programs fail?
Subject: RE: Why do folk music radio programs fail?
I expect to see a resurgence in creativity. Harsh times press out the inner beauty within a lot of souls. If people are NOT creating, then I'd think the ones who are not, may just be receptive to those who are, and should 'find it a way back' to certain simple beauties they've known all along! Many of the masterpieces, of history came through the tumultuous times contemporary to the works!

I've been EXTREMELY fortunate that I've been caught up in that process..and shall continue to 'block and re-channel' those energies, and manifest them through music. It can be an extremely strict discipline...but a GREAT ride, at the same time!!

When I was younger, and more active, than in a period in between (did HUGE outdoor concerts in the L.A. area in the late 60's & 70's)...where over 17,000 people were there, and had airplay...a lot came together..but now..jeez, its coming at certain ones of us like a tidal wave!...and I guess we catch it..or drown!

A lot of what I post, to the other musicians, is just for that encourage those to take another VERY serious look at their instruments, and gifts!..If ever there was a time to be relevant, its NOW!!...and forget what you see in 'commercial' trends..I'm telling you from first hand experience that THERE IS a market NOW..but at the same time, you'd have to get back to reaching the inner hearts and soul of people..or you'll bore them to tears! No one, except numb-nuts are trying to 're-live' the past...but they MAY just want to pick up, from right before, when it started to get lame!

It's gotten to the point, where OTHER people are making bookings for me, because, as I was told, just three days ago, "People just HAVE to hear this stuff"..and stuff like, "I hadn't felt those emotions in 30 to 35 years!"..then she and her hubby proceeded to call a mutual friend who is a VP for a VERY VERY HUGE motion picture studio...meanwhile, someone else was doing the same another studio.....(Hint: This one has a kid on a bike, flying in front of the moon), the other one used to have a club for kids, in the name of a rodent.....there, I didn't say it, or violate any provisions, of release forms...but you got the idea!)

But nonetheless, you can circumnavigate the screwed up music mogul run industry, and there are ways to get a lot out there..we can do it ourselves!!..but first, you gotta have something to SAY, that doesn't rub peoples noses back into the shit they just came out of...and that is 'political' answers to the human side of things. If anything most all of the political horse crap, is to blame for most of the misery that this nation is experiencing...and one of the things that neither party is willing to do, is just leave us ALONE! They keep muscling their bullshit laws, regulations, fees, taxes, and every other thing known to mankind, into every nook and cranny of our lives!..FUCK 'EM!. We want our lives back!..and a lot of people out there, are responding to musical input that brings it home to them!