The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134429   Message #3059560
Posted By: Jeri
22-Dec-10 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't Ask/Don't Tell--Toast!
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Ask/Don't Tell--Toast!
I watched the signing, and I thought Obama's speech was great. I was in the Air Force when DADT was enacted. I thought it was stupid then, giving less than was right to protect the Way We've Always Done Things and the homophobes, but it was at least better than the previous policy. It always was "don't tell," but this policy told people they couldn't ask. There was still bullying, because people often suspected gay people were gay, and frankly, anyone a bit different was suspected. The people who WERE gay couldn't just say, "I am--so what!?" and the people who weren't couldn't be believed when they said, "No, I'm not."

There's discrimination wherever humans are. What makes things as right as they'll ever be is that most people understand it's wrong. We'll get there, and this is a big step. It will take some time for people to spread the idea around, though.