The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134321   Message #3060432
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Dec-10 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: Why do folk music radio programs fail?
Subject: RE: Why do folk music radio programs fail?
Bobert, and Bruce from Bathurst, Mr Red,..and any struggling folk radio people, I have to say....and hold on to your chair....(Bobert),I agree with most your post...'alternative acoustic' is a good idea. That works, of course, if EITHER the folk artist stretches a little, and goes 'outside', OR other artist come in, who are playing in the same vein, but not exactly 'pure folk'..much the same as 'folk-rock' was to folk.

I think, that once an audience has been established, introducing new things into the airplay, IN THE SAME SPIRIT, probably won't offend them, as long as it is 'tasty'!

A lot of 'purists' got pissed off at Dylan, when suddenly he did some pieces, in which he went what??...they either come around, or stay stuck where they are.(Sorta like 'libs')--had to throw that in)....but if you expand your musical base, and still include the basic format, I believe you will expand your listening base, as well.

And then there is playing 'folk' music that is folk music, other than exclusively Celtic based folk music.
That being said, a friend of mine was with
This group but before she left, she wrote this piece for them, and performed it on this video. It is a 'fusion' between Afro beats and Celtic licks. (By the way, she is the violinist/fiddler on this video...some of you may recognize her).....none the less, is certainly SHOULD fit onto any 'folk based' many others I have. Besides, its so damn likable, I don't think anyone with turn off the radio, should it come on!..Matter of fact, they might call into the station and ask, "WHO WAS THAT??!!" ....and it is all acoustic, except for the bass player.

Anyway, there is music out there that definitely would appeal to 'folkies', that may not be pure 'folk'..but is in the same 'ear'.

Get back to me, about this, if you want....and here's another....

Here's another....listen in!!!!

Anything I can do to help,