The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134321   Message #3060749
Posted By: josepp
24-Dec-10 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Why do folk music radio programs fail?
Subject: RE: Why do folk music radio programs fail?
The fault lies with the listeners. There too few and those few think as long as they keep listening everything will be okay. They are wholly ignorant of what is going on around them and attempts to raise their consciousness a few degrees concerning the issue is hopeless and met with pointless resistance.

If you say, "Well, Christ, look at this crap that's being peddled around today as music--what are we going to do about that??"

You get: "You're just giving it more publicity by talking about it!" as though this is some brilliant response. It is really the same as: "Let me bury my head in the sand and stop bugging me about it. People like you are the problem--always stirring up a fuss about nothing!!"

Then they come to places like Mudcat and start whining that great folk music programs that have been on the air for ages are getting tossed out the door. Or they say that because the one dinky program they like has somehow managed to hang on simply because it has little in the way of competition, that means everything is okay. And they can delude themselves this way because--as pointed out---they are wholly ignorant of what is going on around them and believe that ignoring it makes it go away. No, sooner or later, it will make them go away. And I almost welcome it if there was anything worth listening to that could replace it.