The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3060916
Posted By: LilyFestre
24-Dec-10 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
As of this morning, I did not have any gifts in this house wrapped. I had wrapped and delivered 4 gifts yesterday to a long time friend and her family...we met for lunch, the babies played and we had a nice time. However, I can't wait for later this month when Jeremiah and I can go visit at her house so the babies can be down on the floor and play...sitting in a restaurant is so hard for them...just happened to be a good spot to meet and exchange gifts yesterday.

I am happy to say that all the gifts in this house are wrapped. It's a small Christmas in our house this year package wise but we are blessed in so many other ways that the other things just don't seem as important. We also put up a small tree this afternoon. It still needs to be wrapped in lights and decorated but that will wait until Jeremiah is in bed. At the moment he is playing on a blanket with his daddy and his favorite race car. I love watching the two of them play together. LOVE IT.

I just finished putting wrapping paper, boxes and bows away. Laundry is going, dishes are going, my kitchen table is clear, floor swept and half mopped and I have a new shower curtain liner to go up this evening. The old fabric one has had it.

I'll be reading the story of Christmas to Jeremiah before he goes to bed too...I'm excited to begin that tradition. :)

Merry Christmas and Much Love to All,
