The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3061339
Posted By: LilyFestre
25-Dec-10 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
We had a wonderful Christmas Day. :) We spent this morning at home...just the 3 of us. We started the day by reading the story of how Jesus was born (from Jeremiah's own little Bible) while Jeremiah ate his Cheerios. Pete and I exchanged stockings and the Wee One had his own stocking too. Santa didn't wrap the goodies in Jeremiah's stocking and he had fun pulling things out. He played with the first few things and stopped there. I think he was a bit overwhelmed. No matter, he will enjoy everything as the days go on. He opened one of his gifts....tugged the paper right off and promptly put it in his mouth. When he couldn't get the paper to tear anymore, he turned the box and started chewing on the box! :) Classic!!! Mommy got some great photos and video! Jeremiah still has 5 more gifts to open but we decided he'd had enough for this morning. He had a short nap and we went to visit his nana. He opened maybe 2 of his gifts there, played a lot on the floor with me while we opened the rest of our gifts (Jeremiah's too). He had great fun playing with an empty box and one of his new toys and then he was down again for a much longer nap.
    Pete, Mom and I had a very relaxed Christmas lunch/dinner, great conversation and we played cards. My favorite part of Christmas? Being healthy enough (and still here) to be with the people I love most. :) :) :)
    Tomorrow our niece is visiting (her very first break from the Army)...we haven't seen her since June and she hasn't met Jeremiah yet....should be a fun visit. The later part of the day will be spent at Pete's mother's house for Christmas. I don't like going there and frankly neither does he. It is totally a courtesy visit. I know that's not very nice but she and her husband (Uncle Pappy) smoke like chimneys in a small space with no open smells so bad and burns our eyes....ugh. In addition, she has no interest in Jeremiah so I can't seem to find any interest or enthusiasm for visiting her. If I was a good liar, I might be feeling a cold coming on *cough cough*......but since I'm not, I'll be going and doing my best to just be. There's no need to pretend to like her as she knows in no uncertain terms that I do not. I will be polite as I look right through her and her gift goes directly in the yard sale pile no matter what it is....I'm just not interested.
    Anyway, TODAY was wonderful. How often do you get to spend the entire day together with the people you love most in this world?
    I even got some laundry finished and some sweeping done...emptied out my car too!!! :)

Here's hoping you all had whatever makes your heart happy on this day. Merry Christmas!
