The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3061444
Posted By: wysiwyg
26-Dec-10 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: Look back: 2010 & forward: 2011 Declut&Acc
On what feels like the third Sunday in three days (Fri., Sat., Sun services), my Sunday morning at home is the usual for-the-Church melange of tasks and quiet reflection. Today I spent it re-binderizing the year's-worth of studies I've zoomed thru in the last six months-- making reference binders out of what had been the material-in-use. These amount to, in one sense, my "preschool-level" of Old Testament. Next year I will begin the frosh course in OT. But first I will spend the next several months preschooling the New Testament. Because next year will also include frosh-level NT. The new glasses making READING finally possible-- priceless!

Looking back I see God's hand leading my studies and prep: not a page wasted, not a resource missed, not a friend/support-person lacking. It has been an abundantly rich 6 months and I look forward to the similar treatment of the NT, very much. (Bonus: the resources and home-habits-of-health are all organized this time around, to make it even more fun and a better fit into the busy life of a fulltime Presbytera.)

A new friendship that is bearing adorable fruit is with a young raised-Uke man and his partner as they contemplate entering The Fishbowl of Ordained Ministry... J's Orthodox background fits so well with the Greek Orthodox worldview that has become increasingly a comfort zone for me. I identify more and more as an Ecupalian or Ecupanglican. :~)

The OT year was rich, also, in Anti-Racism source material, new AR insights, and new ways of looking at this multicultural world amidst which I minister.

New health initiatives should result in a a really interesting year to come: at some point yet to plan I will be undergoing long-needed surgery to remediate longstanding health barriers.

Later this week we will get and install the first of two dust filters to make home a much better place for everyone. I've identified several cleaning people to support a plan to paint the LR, and a painter. By summer I hope to have doors we can throw wide open.

TBTG, I wish you all an equally joyous and fulfilling year. Slavite Jeho!
