The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134561   Message #3061447
Posted By: Guy Wolff
26-Dec-10 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Boxing Day: Stories of doing good
Subject: Boxing Day: Stories of doing good

I looked up what threads were here on the origins of Boxing day in Briton to inspire all us across the pond on this day but I am really curious of how the goodness of boxing day manifests itself today in Briton .. Does anyone have stories showing the true meaning of the day to inform & inspire us all . Happy Boxing day from New England . Of all years this is a time to help those not as furtuneate as oneself .. Sorry not meaning to sound preachy. Im just hoping there are some wonderful stories out there that would be great to hear at such a time as this is . All the best to old and new friends here to Old Briton from New England . . Guy