The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3061512
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Dec-10 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
It got down to 23o here in Fort Worth last night, and the dogs spent the night in the house on their new beds. During the day they weren't interested in trying them, because they weren't ready for sleep, but last night, they plopped down, curled up, and stayed right there all night. Even when I got up for a drink in the middle of the night, they stayed in place. (Usually when they slept on the blanket and towel pallet they'd wander into the bathroom with me.)

For accountability, I am kicking the Scarsdale diet into gear in order to get off of the sugar that has crept into my diet. Last night we watched Julie and Julia, which makes cooking seem awfully tempting, but I'll have to stick to the healthy gourmet cooking and avoid the sauces and desserts. :)