The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #673   Message #30638
Posted By:
12-Jun-98 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Be Thou My Vision / Slane
Subject: RE: Be Thou My Vision -do ya know this Irish Tune
Cuilionn's vernacular is easy for me to read, Frank, and I don't have any particular training in the field. Isn't it called "broad Scotts". I knew Scotts Amercians that talked that way when I was a boy. As I understand it, broad Scotts is an English dilect and is not Gaelic in any way. I have visited Wales and their language, whick is a form of Gaelic, is not a bit like English. So if someone sends a Gaelic (Scotts, Irish or Welch) version it will be Greek to me - no, I know a little Greek. As for the tune, it is called Slane as per Alison. You don't have to look in old hymn books (unless you have no new ones) as it is in almost all my hymnals. See almost any Baptist Hymnal. As for the tune and text, they are both excellent. I also liked the modern text offered by Joe Offer. - Philip Hudson