The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134639   Message #3064164
Posted By: Valmai Goodyear
30-Dec-10 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Lewes Favourites tunes practices 2011
Subject: Lewes Favourites tunes practices 2011
'The Lewes Favourites'

These are a regular opportunity to practice tunes popular in local English sessions, whatever instrument you play, to whatever standard, and whether or not you read music. It's a chance to identify some of those tunes you recognise when you hear them but can't quite remember, to put the names to familiar tunes, and to play them over until you are sure of them. You can record the sessions.

        You can download 180 of the tunes plus 33 recent additions in Noteworthy Composer, ABC and midi form from the Lewes Saturday Folk Club
website: go to Links and then to Lewes Favourites. The tunes are also available as a printed book , price £10 plus £1 p&p.

Elephant & Castle, White Hill,
Lewes BN7 2DJ
(upstairs) 8.00 - 11.00 p.m.

Fourth Tuesday evening of the month
Admission free

25 January        22 February        22 March
26 April        24 May        28 June
26 July        23 August        27 September
25 Oct                22 Nov                27 Dec

Bryan Creer, 12, Fife Court, 99 The Hydneye, Hampden Park BN22 9DD 01323 505372 Bryancreer[at]aol[dot]com

Valmai Goodyear, 20, St. John's Terrace, Lewes BN7 2DL        01273 476757 valmaigoodyear[at]aol[dot]com