The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133420   Message #3064269
Posted By: Naemanson
31-Dec-10 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Studying in Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Studying in Guam
Yesterday we took Mika to the vet for his rabies shot. We took Shawna along because she loves to ride in the car. We decided to go to lunch and asked if we could leave Shawna there. When we came back after eating and grocery shopping we found Shawna in the enclosure behind the vet's office with a bunch of other dogs. Thee was a young man tossing dog toys for them. Shawna was very interested but clearly didn't understand what was happening. She watched and when a toy came her way she sniffed at it but didn't touch it. She has clearly never learned how to play.

On the way home we let Mika out of the box. He settled down just outside the door and at some point he disappeared. We found him when we got home. He was snuggled up in the groceries, sound asleep.

We went over to the university today to have a picnic lunch and let Shawna run. She loves it over there. Later I drove up to the gas station for some fuel and air for the bike tires. I took Shawna and leashed her in the pickup so I could drive with the windows down. She could just stand in the window and get her head out into the wind.

Tonight our neighbor is having his annual New Year's bash. He asked if he could park cars in our back yard and I can see that he has set up another neighbor's yard for parking as well. His family have been working like dogs for the last week getting ready for the fun. I'm not sure what time we'll go over but the animals will be locked into the house all evening.

Today is the last day of the year. Wakana and I were talking it over and decided this year has been quite eventful. It has included the loss of my job and my new goal of a master's degree, the acquisition of two more animals, a car accident and the subsequent purchase of a new car, and Wakana's parents came to visit and had a great time. It's been a good year for us and it has been good sharing it with all of you.

Happy New Year!