The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134661   Message #3064956
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Jan-11 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: Donnie 'I'm a drunk' Pettit, 42...
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: Donnie 'I'm a drunk' Pettit, 42...
I haven't thought of Donald DeWitt in years. He was a tall thin mountain man whose family owned property near my Dad's hunting club's cabin. Donald was not allowed onto paved road which meant he could wander all the woods near Beaverkill NY but if he stepped on paved (county) roads he would go to jail. He had murdered a man with his bare hands in a fit of anger and booze.
We would go walking in the woods and all of a sudden this tree of a man would be standing in front of us. My mother was terrified of him. I was very young, maybe 8, and was fascinated by his eyes - that vague faded blue.
Donald looked after the cabin for the club and made sure it was never broken into. In return, chewing tobacco and probably some liquor was left on the porch. Once my father and brothers were invited in to meet his mother. The house was wallpapered with patches of odd bits. The old lady was frail and arthritic but her boys looked after her.
What I would not give to go back 50 years and meet her, actually speak with Donald...
I always thought it sad that he would walk to the end of the road to the paved county road and say that "If I put my foot on that road I will go to jail." Donald also was convinced that Godzilla was real. He talked about all the ships sinking and no one could stop the monster.
Your Donald was happy. I think mine was too in his woods alone.