The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134469   Message #3065118
Posted By: TheSnail
01-Jan-11 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: What is it that makes folk radio a success?
Subject: RE: What is it that makes folk radio a success?
Interesting. The clubs I go to would be fighting over who could get Walter Pardon first if he was still available. I hear his songs sung on a regular basis along with those of many other source singers. Tom Lenihan and Mikeen McCarthy, I'm not so sure about but then, we are in England. On the other hand, the "Other Club" in Lewes has booked Oliver Mulligan, Len Graham, and Con 'Fada' O'Driscoll in recent memory. Delightful performers all.

As for unnaccompanied singing, a floor singer going on towards the end of the evening a few months ago at the LSFC did an amusing skit on it - "For those who have never seen one before, this is a guitar."