The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134671   Message #3065131
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Jan-11 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: The New Year begins when we say it does
Subject: RE: BS: The New Year begins when we say it does
I do use the same date system for my daily business purposes, communications with people, and other practical purposes like that, Amos. I have no problem with that.

But I have no intention of "sucking it up" and imagining for one moment that January 1st is any kind of logical date for the great natural cycles of renewal that begin another year on planet Earth, and I have no desire to participate in silly modern New Year's celebrations that involve masses of foolish people congregating around clocks, yelling second-by-second countdowns together, singing "Auld Lang Syne" and blowing horns, and acting like a bunch of confused jackasses while they imitate the similarly thoughtless and pointless actions of their parents and grandparents, lo these many generations past! ;-) I don't enjoy it, I find it sad, I don't believe in it, and I am not missing a thing by refusing to participate in it. There's nothing dignified or sacred about this society's noisy New Years celebrations, they're just an excuse to party and act ridiculous and blow off some steam.

What I will do, however, is gather with people who recognize the real powers of Nature and who do a sunrise ceremony on the morning of the Spring Solstice each year, because those are people who have some real idea of what it is that they are honoring and how sacred it is...not people just caught up in "monkey-see/monkey-do" repetitious behaviour.

(my apologies to Chongo for using the above phrase...)