The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134661   Message #3065149
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jan-11 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: Donnie 'I'm a drunk' Pettit, 42...
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: Donnie 'I'm a drunk' Pettit, 42...
I'm sure Donnie would be proud to know that his life reminded ya'll of these people...

Went to get my newspaper this mornin' at Valley Exxon which is this little convenience store where the locals hang out in the mornin' and everyone was talkin' about Donnie...

When I walked in the cashier was right in the middle of tallin' someone about how polite Donnie always was when someone brought him in for his Marboro Lite 100s (in a box) and a case on Natural Lite beer (wouldn't drink anything but it) and how Donnie wold always say, "Thank you, mam"... I didn't have to ask who she was talkin' about...

My neighbor, always referred to Donnie as "the little feller" and I know that "the little feller" is gonna be missed... Most folks never get to really know someone like Donnie "I'm a drunk" Pettit... I am honored to not only known him but fir him to call me "daddy"...

