The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119219   Message #3065451
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
02-Jan-11 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: Sea Chanteys/Shanties page-Gibb Sahib
Subject: RE: Welcome to my Sea Chanteys/Shanties page
This is to announce that I am now inviting submissions of non-English language shanties from Hugill, to include as examples in my YouTube playlist.

There are some basic rules of engagement: The performance should have something to do with Hugill's text's version. The easiest thing is just to reproduce what appears in his book. In some cases however, it is arguably more authentic to make up one's own verses, delete versus, rearrange, improvise, de-code blue pencilling, etc etc. But if that is done, i ask that it be acknowledged while still engaging what Hugill set down, i.e. with reasons specified for the differences. I would not like a "Well, this is the shanty how *I* learned it" (without considering Hugill) because this is meant to be a critical engagement of Hugill's book and not just replication of now-established / popular versions. In my own attempts at this foreign (for me) language songs, I am basically playing it safe and singing what Hugill wrote!

The other "rule" is that these should be unaccompanied / a cappella.

So...if anyone would like to do one of the one's I haven't done yet, please get in touch!

Of course, you could put it on your own YouTube don't need my stinkin' restrictions...but for other reasons it might also be fun and rewarding to file it into this 'archive' as part of the larger project. In which case I'd ask you to send me the video and I'll upload it via my channel (giving full credit, of course).

I have started to do some of the Low German shanties. I imagine some of the French (I am terrible at it) and Scandinavian (hard pronunciation) ones will give me the most trouble, so those are especially welcome!

Gibb aka Ranzo the Greenhorn