The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5305   Message #30656
Posted By: Art Thieme
13-Jun-98 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: What's playing now?
Subject: RE: What's playing now?
That'd be great to see for certain. But in a day I'll be gone for a few weeks. I'll look tomorrow and then when I get home.

"Master Of The Sheepfold" , as I was told, was found in Maine by Bill Bonyun. He sang it to Susan Richardson who took it to the New York Pinewoods folk camp in Massachusetts. Jerry Epstein, at Pinewoods, taught it to me. Driving back to Chicago after Pinewoods that summer I stopped to hang out with my old Chicago friend, Cindy Mangsen, who then lived near Albany, New York. I showed that to her then for the first time. Later I changed the language of the song from the very heavy Afrom-American dialect I'd learned it in----"Massa Ob De Sheepfold" became "Master Of The Sheepfold". I think it's now twice as beautiful as it was before. And Cindy & Anne make it sound like an angel chorus! To make this fit into this thread I ought to let you know I'm listening to Cindy & Anne's CD right NOW!

Art Thieme