The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134661   Message #3065615
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jan-11 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: Donnie 'I'm a drunk' Pettit, 42...
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: Donnie 'I'm a drunk' Pettit, 42...
Well, the service wasn't really a service at all, Charlie... It was a 2 hour viewing that was well attended... They had Donnie in a open casket but I learned that he was going to be cremated afterwards... I had thought about takin' a Natie Lite and a pack of Marlboro 100s (in a box, please) but took only the "Get 'er Done" lighter... Last thing I did before I left was to hold so if he were alive he'd see it and told him, "Get 'er Done"...

Lotta hillbillies there, tho... Must been 75 people came and left while I was there and at least 50 sittin' talkin' with one another... Not a necktie in the joint... Lotta baggie jeans and teeshirts on the youngins (teens) and flannel shirts on the older ones...

Well, thanks to everyone who has posted...

I'm sure Donnie would be most appreciative...
