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Thread #134693   Message #3068944
Posted By: Ed T
06-Jan-11 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Steve, I have no doubt you read it all. But, did you take it all in? Or, only the parts that show you have a superior thinking ability to others?

I note you frequently "promote" that you are "a believer in the way of science". Where is the evidence here? I don't see it?

No credible scientist would broadly (and inaccurately) lump all "people" together like you frequently do, and more recently did with me based on sparse evidence.

Before you make broad generalizations about others, at least pay a bit of attention on the content of what they post. That way, you can claim, at least, accuracy. That way, you would "seem" credible that you at least follow some concepts of scientific or critical reasoning to others, like me.

Please provide evidence that I have been preaching anything in any mudcat post that you say (such as "believing" like the "fellow-travelers" you refer to).

I did not say that your request for evidence (though your constant whine gets a bit tiring) is unreasonable...check it out. What I did say was you did not follow through on the other parts of the article you quoted ... ignore no known evidence, and follow evidence where it don't do that by setting unreasonable conditions for evidence, or blasting others when they give views that you disagree with.

Nowhere did I ever say I believed, nor supported, concepts that break the laws of physics, (religious or otherwise) such as evolution, creationism nor the 6000 old earth theories.... where is your evidence that I did that.

You probably missed posts where I raised new and evolving research in physics, that don't even make sense to physics experts.

You seem to conveniently miss recent questions I posed to Kent (in this thread), to explain his concepts YEC concepts...and yes, I stated creationism has been debunked and asked for evidence for the 6000 geological concept. But, I believe it is "critical thinking" to actually hear people out, before making broad pronouncements.

You probably missed it all, because, unlike you, I asked in a sprit of respect, to encourage meaningful dialogue.... as noted in the article.

One does not have to be disrespectful elitist, and boorish, just because one has arrived at a different conclusion (right or wrong) than others. You may be right. But, does that give you a license to be disrespectful of others? To get the most out of a discussion, and others participating, why not try a bit of respect?

You say, "All you want is something even vaguely convincing". Well Steve, you likely have to find that for yourself...and it seems that you have (as others have). Why are you still searching? Maybe it's time to admit you have found what you are seeking, or if not, never will? Especially through the approach you have chosen.

I hate to say this, but Steve we have to stop meeting this way. It does not work for me, and I suspect it does not do much for you either. :))