The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134788   Message #3068946
Posted By: Bobert
06-Jan-11 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: Have blacks rejected blues?
Subject: RE: Have blacks rejected blues?
Tell ya' what... Go down to Memphis fir either the IBC (international Blues Challenge) or the W.C. Handy Awards and check out the real blues scene... Lotta black blues players learnt it up from the likes of R.L. Burnside, Junior Kimbrough, etc...

Couple of blues bands to watch this IBC??? Check out the Bush League outta Richmond, Va. or mah main man Clarence "The Bluesman" Turner outta Washington, D.c... These folks learnt it up the right way... From the old time black blues players...

Sorry you had to learnt it up from Mel Bay... I sho nuff didn't... I learnt it from Sparky Rucker who learnt it from Rev. Davis hisself...

Like I said... Not to worry yer purdy head, Joez... The blues is being handled by both blacks and whites...

As fir doo-wop??? That was blacks and whites, too... Might of fact the best known doo-wopper is Bouzer... And hes a white guy...

Now Bluesville radio??? Yeah, it may be a little tilted toward more white players but it is tilted... If I had me a show it wouldn't be Bluesville... But that ain't a black/white thing... Just different tastes in blues...
