The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134704   Message #3068996
Posted By: Ebbie
06-Jan-11 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Americans are truly stupid
Subject: RE: BS: Americans are truly stupid
"Gee, Ed T, Do you really not get that Toy's R Us is a clever little way to show that they are all about the children who just might be the ones with the incorrect spelling and the backward "R"? Do you not get that? And also that when that store came on the scene, dinosaurs were a popular thing among children? I would include myself in that crowd. Thus they get a double meaning out of the "R Us" part of the name. Come on Ed T, I kow YOU aren't stupid." Slag

Golly gee, it appears that you are really up there with the intellkshuls, Slag. For sure you know a whole lot more than stupid me. For instance, it never occurred to me that Toys Are Us was had such a clever marketing ploy. But do tell me when children were NOT popular among children.