The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104378   Message #3069006
Posted By: Donuel
06-Jan-11 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Subject: RE: BS: Random Traces From All Over

A few things I have learned by word of mouth over the last couple weeks are;

The element Cerium when combined with CO2 and over 2000 degree heat will produce fuel more efficiently than Ethanol production.
The efficiency of ethanol production is less than 1%
The Cerium method is durrently 1% effective and if scaled up would become much better. btw the Cerium is not degraded in the process and does not require replacement.

Place your investment bets on Panasonic.
They are about to reveal a silicon point battery sytem which is a staggering 30% better/stronger and longer lasting than lithium.
The upper limit of this kind of battery is about 70% more powerful than any battery today! (this tip is not an insider trading infraction) Sadly it is a Japanese invention and not American.
South Korea will be involved in part of the manufacturing.

LG makes the cheapest 3D TV that uses regular concentric polarized glasses that you see at the theatre. It is so far the best buy.

If you have any experience in the future's market check out chocolate.
The Irory Coast which is the largest choclate bean supplier is in political turmoil near civil war and may interrupt the supply of chocolate beans for the world.

The bird and fish die offs are a world wide phenomenon and not limited to the USA. Th ere are three seperate natural factors which are respondsible for the massive die offs, while man's effect on the atmosphere is a contributing factor.
more on this on my blog.