The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134704   Message #3070390
Posted By: Slag
09-Jan-11 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Americans are truly stupid
Subject: RE: BS: Americans are truly stupid
Uh, Ebbie, you might want to go back and read my post. That is NOT what said. If you want to take off on the typo "kow" for "know" I have no defense against that: guilty as charged, TYPO! :P

And Ed T, How do I know you aren't stupid? I have read enough of your posts! You are a very bright and informed fellow. And correct, I have not mastered the backward "R" on this keyboard. I thought about using the cyrillic alphabet but I don't know how to make it come out in the reply box. I'm too lazy and unmotivated to learn that little skill although it would have been some sort of minor coup to have done so. Therefore I am willfully ignorant and that is really stupid!

Donuel, thank you! Very cogent and sensitive. Best post in the thread.