The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134892   Message #3072054
Posted By: Nicholas Waller
11-Jan-11 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: lets rewrite folksongs with happy ending
Subject: RE: lets rewrite folksongs with happy ending
"Lady, come down the stairs," says Fat Lankin.
"How can I see in the dark?" she says unto him.
"You have silver mantles," says Fat Lankin.
"Lady, come down the stairs by the light of them."
Down the stairs the lady came, thinking no harm
Lankin was ready to surprise her with a treat.
There was food all in the kitchen
There was food all in the hall
There was food all in the parlour
Where my lady she did eat.
Now Fat Lankin shall be cheered
to the rafters oh so high,
And the good nurse shall be turning
in the fire, another pie.

Said the lord unto his lady as he rode tapping his tum
"Beware of Fat Lankin, who learned cooking from his mum;
Beware the wine, beware the cheese, beware of Fat Lankin
Make sure the doors are bolted well
Or toss your diet in the bin"