The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134892   Message #3072515
Posted By: Mark Clark
11-Jan-11 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: lets rewrite folksongs with happy ending
Subject: RE: lets rewrite folksongs with happy ending
If folksongs were nice happy songs about happy things like the ones they gave us in grammar school, I'd never have become interested in them at all. No suspense, no insight into the human condition, nothing to see here (move along).

Imagine singing a song to your daughter saying that she shouldn't go out in the woods alone with young men because it isn't considered the "nice” thing to do. Much more fun and effective to sing Pretty Polly or Omie Wise. Those will get her attention and she'll remember the song and the story and maybe even the lesson.

What would I Know Where I'm Goin' be like if Johnny was a nice boy whom everyone's parents wanted for their daughters?

      - Mark