The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25896   Message #307320
Posted By: Áine
28-Sep-00 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 40
Subject: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 40
Hello Challenge!rs -- Can you believe it, we've done almost 40 of these?!? Unbelievable!! Thanks to all of you for playing along, and I hope that we've inspired some of you to start writing songs, and re-inspired others of you to keep up the good work. That's what the Challenge! is all about, so remember to encourage your fellow Challenge!rs with a good word about the songs you like, and you'll get a good word in return.

So, here we go -- Get your tea or coffee ready, sit down in your comfy chair, and let us consider:

The Case of the Crazed Cookie Crusher -- (Yardley, Pennsylvania) For three years the managers in the three supermarkets kept finding shelves of crumbled cookies and smashed loaves of bread. A cookie company finally installed a hidden camera turned on the cookie aisle at a Giant supermarket. That led to the arrest and conviction of Samuel Feldman, 37, on charges of disorderly conduct and criminal mischief, and a fine of $1,000.

Both prosecutors and defense attorneys appeared in court with bags of sweet-smelling evidence. The prosecution with bruised buns and crushed cookies, and the defense with unmangled goodies used to demonstrate their client's squeezing technique. Although Mr. Feldman claimed his innocence, saying 'I squeeze bread when I go to the store, but I don't get arrested for it," the judge said that the 18-hour videotape clearly showed Feldman "manipulating bread and cookies" and "acting suspiciously around the baked goods." A local reporter commented that the videotape showed Mr. Feldman waiting until his wife's back was turned, and only then would he begin bashing the bread. "He apparently loved to stick his thumbs in the middle of the fruit-filled cookies. The impressions were so distinct, the police were able to use them to lift his fingerprints."

Judge Heckler has postponed the sentencing hearing to give Mr. Feldman, who now lives in Las Vegas, time to find "a mental health professional who is familiar with bread-related compulsive behavior." Meanwhile, the bread and cookie distributors still want their dough, and are planning to sue Mr. Feldman in civil court to recover $8,000, the amount of baked goods they claim that he vandalized over the three year period.

Go for it, Challenge!rs!! -- Áine