The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33807   Message #3073519
Posted By: Clontarf83
13-Jan-11 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: Req: Sing-along songs from the 20's & 30's
Subject: RE: Req: Sing-along songs from the 20's & 30's
This is a timely thread for me as well--thanks to the contributors. I will be putting my toe into these waters February, with my first volunteer gig at an nursing home.

When I asked the volunteer cordinator what material I should use, she said they love livelier music, but they are getting tired of WW2 era songs.

That got me thinking that this is a new generation arriving in the residences now, and likely to be nostalgic about music of the 50s and maybe even the early 60s. My age cohort (I was born 1948)will probably want the Beatles and Stones etc when its our turn. Should be interesting when they are followed by the Led Zeppelin generation....

I will try some of the Pete Seeger era folk on them, with some 50's country and ballads (with an acoustic guitar, I don't think I could do much with blue suede shoes etc). I'll also try a little Buddy Holly.

Any thoughts on spiritual songs? For example I love to sing "I'll fly away" but it has direct references to dying and death--does that make it a no-go?