The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134853   Message #3074063
Posted By: Donuel
13-Jan-11 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Stl thnk we dn't nd mre restrct gn laws?
Subject: RE: BS: Stl thnk we dn't nd mre restrct gn laws?
Over 9 in 10 people are now saying that the name of the KILL OBAMAcare bill should be changed. Folks even want the assault rifle ban brought back.
The righties are complaining that the insane rabid dog liberals are foaming at the mouth to take away their guns.

No matter how much liberals tone it down, the right wing base will still feel like they are the victims in the crosshairs and that lefty loonies are trying to gun down their most treasured possesion and sacred cONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT (which at the time was a blunderbus or flintlock rifle).

Before librals jump the gun and shoot themselves in the foot they should stare down the barrel of reality. American phraseology is loadied with gun metaphors. Today Mary Malkin smirkingly wrote that Obama made a double barrel effort at the memorial last night.
The right will tease liberals to death by squeezing the trigger on every gun related saying from here to eternity.

Even straight shooters like Peter Jennings are afraid that a war on gun sayings will backfire. On the other hand if liberals run from right wing political snipers they will just die tired. IT will be hard to put the smoke back in the gun at this point so the smart thing to do would be to step back and aim at a different target.

Instead of going off half cocked, liberals should enforce the laws on the books such as being shot and killed by a gun. As the police say, you have to wait until its too late if you want protection from a gun toting whacko.

The big guns in Congress will probably start carrying pistols. I bet they won't even bother to conceal them. It will become what the flag pin became under Bush jr. It will be the measure and display of being a REAL AMERICAN. They will say a gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. Of course once the draw their waepons on the floor of Congress they could ewaily be taken out by the Seargent at Arms.

So before liberals shoot from the hip and let this issue blow up in their face they should think of a campaign they can win. Sarah Palin has defined bearing arms as the right to vote. It looks like liberals are gonna hafta bear more arms at the ballot box.