The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25821   Message #307465
Posted By: Mbo
28-Sep-00 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: Here's a tough one, 'Catters!
Subject: RE: Here's a tough one, 'Catters!
Like my favorite Kinks song says "I'm NOT like everybody else." Yeah right, Spaw. I'm trying to build a career here. Oh, maybe YOU'D like to come down HERE, pay for my plane ticket so I can go kiss the one I want to kiss, while YOU can do all my homework, and they'd damn sure better be A's. And I wasn't lying about this place. ECU School of Art is the best art school in the state. Only slackers and playuhs spend more time doing the nasty than getting good grades. This isn't highschool anymore, this is the big time, and we work ten times harder than we actually would if we had a job. Get real, I've got work to do. I have neither the time nor the desire to go around feeling up girls in cars. Or anywhere else for that matter. And if that makes me a WIMP then so be it. "I don't want to live my life like everybody else, because I'm NOT like everybody else."