The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134965   Message #3075006
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
15-Jan-11 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: Tech: My New Website - Nigel Paterson
Subject: RE: Tech: My New Website - Nigel Paterson
Thank you everyone for the initial feedback. I suspect special thanks to Joe for 'tweaking' the thread name...makes a big difference. Goodlife, which link in particular doesn't go anywhere? Please let me know because everything is working fine at my end. I'm slightly puzzled by the observations regarding the first page, if you scroll down, it says quite clearly "click on image to visit" which takes you to the home page. The link to 'Links & Pics' also works, as do all the links to my friends' sites. Janie, your point about the photos on the 'players' is important. Not one of the pieces features acoustic guitar, so I need to find photos that are relevant to the piece. I'm trying to use photos from my own collection, rather than buying 'stock' pictures to keep my costs down. I'm pleased you enjoyed listening to the music...very different from my Halliard days!
             I decided on a basic/minimalist sort of design, partly because it's my first attempt at building a site & I'm really having to take it a step at a time & secondly, I wanted to make it easy & clear for visitors to navigate their way around. I'm currently preparing a selective contents page which will hopefully go up next week.
             Please keep the constructive comments coming. Expressions like "steep learning curve" don't really do it for me at the moment!
             Kind Regards to All,