The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25896   Message #307501
Posted By: Áine
28-Sep-00 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 40
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 40
Geez loueez -- This just keeps getting better and better! And I see we have a brand new Challenge!r, too. Welcome, welcome, welcome, Bardford!! Looks like another round of Silver B.L.O.B.s are needed, so here ya go:

Dharmabum for:

I was standing by the baked goods,
With my wife there by my side,
When she turned to get some crackers,
I committed yeasticide.

McGrath of Harlow for:

Oh what fierce and deep revulsion!
See, I wear the mark of Cain.
what a strange and sweet compulsion.
"The cookie crusher strikes again."

Bardford for:

Heart beat a fast clip, beads of sweat on his lip
Over his hands he had no control
He could not resist, unclenching his fist
Sam digitally examined a roll.

And for you newbies, a Silver B.L.O.B. is a little in-thread award 'Silver Best Line O' Bull' for special bits of verse that deserve special attention ;-) -- You all still get the 'big prizes' at the end of the Challenge!, so keep checking in...

Well done, everyone!!

-- Áine