The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130892   Message #3075435
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jan-11 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Worst Movie ever
Subject: RE: Worst Movie ever
Say, I just watched Sylvester Stallone's 1986 movie "Cobra" for the first time. It is awe inspiringly dumb...and gloriously right wing (complete with bleeding heart liberal cop bosses, newsmen, and judges who are soft on criminals and get in the way of justice being done. Stallone punches the main one in the gut at the end of the movie)...but it's a fun way of getting in some totally mindless entertainment for an hour and a bit and Stallone was lookin' sharp in '86, man! The body count is pretty astounding in this one. The death-dealing is spectacular. The bad guys are soooo bad that it's just, well, beyond describing. Chongo would LOVE it! I have to tell him about this movie, in case he hasn't seen it yet.