The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134880   Message #3077076
Posted By: olddude
18-Jan-11 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw Home!!!!4 Feb 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Catspaw - Change of Plan - UPDATE 17 Jan 2010
One of the great NFL linebackers started a charity for spinal chord injury after he broke his neck in a playoff game in the 1990's. His wife asked me if I could help with getting some drink boxes fruit snacks and stuff for the kids during their fundraiser walk. I called Dave, 200 cases of very expensive product was delivered all the way to Seattle. One other time I sold my signed Superbowl football to raise money for an autistic child. I was 500 bucks short of what I wanted to give the family ... bam a personal check shows up at my mailbox .. Dave again. That is the way he is made, always there to help. He was a CEO, worked his way up from nothing .. and never forgot .. he gives back all the time. He bought this for his wife but she really wanted a mac .. and he got her a mac, so it is perfect. When I told him what I needed it for, 2 seconds later, I will ship it right out to ya ... That is Dave. God Bless him