The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25882   Message #307753
Posted By: rabbitrunning
28-Sep-00 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Lurking
Subject: RE: Lurking
Actually, on the Internet, in the various forums where I've posted, lurking is considered polite for the first few days (or weeks!) at least, in order to get an idea of what the community is like before asking the same question that gets answered every ten minutes. (That's why newbie FAQs were invented.)

I used the DT as a resource for nearly two years before I actually started reading a lot in the forum, and when I did start asking questions in the forum, I read a lot of older threads before I went ahead and joined. Even now there are threads which I read, but don't comment on because I either cannot contribute, or don't wish to. Since no one knows that I've read their deathless prose, (or bad jokes, in Spaw's case ) I assume that no one's feelings are hurt when I fail to respond.

Internet forums are public. That's clear. It would be silly of me to get shirty over someone reading what I posted out in the world for all to see. Lurk away!

(And I _love_ the word lurk. It has no connotations of peeping toms for me. I always see cats, grinning Cheshirely from the shadows with glowing eyes.)