The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108718   Message #3077943
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
19-Jan-11 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Recently, I enjoyed True Grit, and The Fighter, both primarily because of some fine acting turns by Christian Bale in The Fighter and Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit.
True Grit has to be the ultimate exercise in the Coen Brothers' penchant for articulate but inappropriate dialogue. Since Raising Arizona, where all of the characters speak in a sort of rustic amalgamation of Shakespeare and Mark Twain, I have looked forward to more. In the original True Grit, I really liked the formal way the characters spoke, a reflection of the sort of rather stilted diction that can be witnessed in contemporary newspapers of the old west. In the Coen Brothers' version, the argument between Steinfeld and the Stable owner is destined to be a classic scene.
Jeff Bridges also has some great lines, but he grunts and growls so many of them that it gets a little frustrating trying to decipher.