The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135078   Message #3078169
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
19-Jan-11 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes using canned tomatoes
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes using canned tomatoes
One pan, no mess, quick and yummy meal

Cut up one onion and hold at ready
Brown piece of meat for this meal in med hot frying pan (olive oil if needed, or whatever   you use)
When meat is browned, remove it to a plate
Put in more oil and start browning onion
Cut up a green/red/yellow bell pepper (your choice) into browning onion. MOVE FAST
Slice into pan two or three 6-8 inch zucchinni
Before anything gets too browned,
add maybe half a large can of stewed tomatoes (or a couple fresh ones wedged.
Turn heat down to very low
Put meat on top of well mixed, now simmering veggies and simmer until zuke is as tender as you like it. Meat will cook more also.
This makes enough for two of us and some left over for Rob's breakfast!