The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3079358
Posted By: Lox
21-Jan-11 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I don't understand why Union Carbide got away with murder and BP didn't."

This is a powerful and excellent point.

"But, perhaps she should look at the causes and address those too. It's back to that 'old' adage.

'Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist seems to be a Muslim.'"

This isn't an adage.

It is a Roy Chubby Brown joke.

I'm Irish.

It used to be us who were "all terrorists"

"What I am appalled by, is the (let's call it well-meaning) insidious way many people are being denied the opportunity (freedom) to discuss this topic openly for fear of being labelled a racist."

Discussing it openly and intelligently is fine.

Repeating NF slogans like the one above will get you accused of characteristics you don't like.

Ake asks: "What terrorism are the Christians perpetrating in the name of their religion Greg?"

Look at the stats Ake for America, pipe bombs, nail bombs, some in mosques, shootings etc etc

Then he talks about "muslim abuse of young white girls"

Ake you've already been thoroughly spanked on that one in another thread - have you come here to tell the same lie again?

Then you say something about "agenda above all else" whilst banging on yet again on your "liberals drum"

"ake would you like sone tea?" - "typical 'liberal' promoting your agenda" - "no I asked you if you want tea" - " you're denying me my freedom of speech"

No wonder you spend your nights wandering round the red light district.


"The war in Afghanistan is absolutely to do with Islamist Jihadists being based there."


The war, overt and covert, for control of central Asia, has been going on for over a hundred years.

The rise of Islamic extremism in Afghanistan is a SYMPTOM of a hundred years of foreign interference, not the reason for it.

Richie Black says:

"Imagine if Muslims in Europe were being arrested for nothing more than peacefully practicing their religion"

You mean like wearing a headscarf?