The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135105   Message #3079762
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
21-Jan-11 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting 'rights' for convicts
Subject: RE: BS: Voting 'rights' for convicts
Bruce, as much as the RCMP have fucked up of late they can't carry the blame for Donald Marshall. That fuck up started with the Sydney City Police Department and continued through a court system loaded with crown attorneys and judges who fucked up as well. There has been some effort since to remove racism from Nova Scotia's legal system but some things are still badly lacking. For instance an RCMP officer entered an Indian's home against orders and shot him dead. The reason for the Mountie to be there was a fear that the Indian would commit suicide. Well he sure as Hell prevented that! The band chief and the family continue to be stonewalled by the RCMP,legal system and government for full disclosure.