The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126478   Message #3079966
Posted By: InOBU
22-Jan-11 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Quakers
Subject: RE: BS: The Quakers
Ah simplicity in speach... I often try and find the least words for a message in worship, that inner core, once I delivered a message which was only 14 words long, I was latter told, by a Friend who often spoke for hours...

Writing is a bit different for me... how can I spare immages when our friend Alan conjures up a dancing Hippo? In the words of the old Quaker song... how can I keep from singing?

I think thee may be a bit hard on our Friend Herbert Hoover. I do often make a joke at his expence... We Quakers have given the world two American presidents, Richard Nixon who is an example of our testimony of peace and honesty, and Hoover who is an example of Quaker business sence.

But, in all seriousness... I don't think there is a comparison between Hoover and Nixon. Hoover went to Meeting, even in the White House when he could not go to other Meetings. I do think it is impossible in the world to be a president and a Quaker... I try not to use the terms, "our government" or "our president." I have no guide to my soul other than God. I try to live with out too much insult to the government, or be led into evil by the government.

I am in unity with thee on schools... this is why we built them in the first place, so our children would not be encultrated into a national identity from which we stand aside.

THee and thy is much simpler. You is a plural, which is why I use you and thee in the same sentence, depending on if the speach is directed at one or many... YOu Quakers... thee Dorothy...
Friends mind thy worldly leanings... Dorthy thy note is deep and weighty...